Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (2024)

by Marise

A bath birth with hypnobirthing in the Netherlands. I did it myself. My personal experience with it inspired me to become a Hypnobirthing Teacher. But at the time it was just as good to look for the possibilities and practical rules to make it possible. Therefore here a signpost for this way of naturally giving birth in the water. What is it, how does it work, what are the benefits, where can you do it and how do you get such a bath. So you can find your way easier.

History of bath births

Some twenty or thirty years ago hardly anyone had heard of water births, despite the fact that the Netherlands is internationally known as the country of home births. In the meantime, giving birth in the bath is certainly no longer an exception. Pioneer in the field of natural childbirth was gynecologist Michel Odent. From Pithivier, near Paris, he introduced the world to ways of natural giving birth. Among other things, he introduced birth rooms, recommended baths and singing lessons for pregnant women. In the Netherlands we have a long tradition of giving birth at home and because you can easily put a bath at home, a bath birth is now a common choice. If your pregnancy is healthy and normal, childbirth can take place at home and you can therefore also give birth in the bath. Several midwives in Utrecht city and region are experienced with accompanying bath births and are happy to assist you if you go for this option. But in the meantime, Stichtse’s birthhouses and hospitals also offer bath births. Think of St. Anthony and the Diakonessenhuis.

Why hypnobirthing at a water birth?

A bath birth with hypnobirthing is to let nature do its job and be at ease, enveloped by warm, soft water. Both the bath and the hypnobirthing tools and techniques support the natural birth process, making childbirth smoother and easier. The extensive pregnancy course teaches you how your body works and what it is designed for and thus contributes to the confidence in your female body to allow your baby to be born easily and quietly. Hypnobirthing teaches you, in the weeks on the way to childbirth, to train your body connection, so that you no longer have to think about it in the bath and you can let go. Letting go also causes substances to be released into your body that support the birth process. Did you know that endorphins are a body’s own painkiller with a force 20 to 200 times the size of morphine? Hypnobirthing therefore helps you in the physical and physical birth process. The warm, soothing water does the rest. Should you still want to give birth in an outpatient or in a hospital? No point, of course the same processes play out there.

Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (1)
Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (2)
Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (3)

The benefits of a bath birth with hypnobirthing

The benefits of a bath birth with hypnobirthing are legion.

  • Relaxation. The main advantage is that you relax by hypnobirthing and the water, which is nice at temperature (37-38 degrees). By relaxing and the childbirth hormones doing their job, your body and mind are more at ease. Women who have opted for a bath birth often indicate that their water delivery and access have been relatively easy.
  • More likely to have an intact perineum. The perineum is relaxed and softened by the warm water and therefore moves more easily with your baby on its way out. In any case, childbirth in general often proceeds more smoothly and gradually.
  • Mobility. You can also stick to the firm edges of the inflatable soft rubber bath and move around in the water easily. You can easily get into the position you feel best about at that moment, because gravity has largely turned you off. Today’s baths are spacious enough for both seated and reclining grace postures. Also on hands and knees is possible.
  • Birthplace: With hypnobirthing you will learn how to make your birthplace a nice, your own place where you feel in your place and at ease. So you can surrender to your birth bubble.
  • Birth bubble. Sitting alone in the bath made sure that I could dive into my bubble and focus on the birth.
  • Role birth partner. Another advantage of an inflatable waiting bath is that your partner has a clear role. He can test the bath (nice to take some pictures) pump up, set it up, fill it up and make sure the water is well at temperature. For my partner, it was nice to be so busy. Your partner can also bathe or make contact with you from the edge to support you with hypnobirthing techniques such as massage and positive anchors.
  • Equal transition for the baby: For the baby it is nice to come into the world via the water. Thus, the transition from the amniotic fluid to the outside is natural. By the way, did you know that your baby just holds his breath when he’s born in the water? It is only from the water that the little one begins to fill his lungs with air.

Should a bath birth due to medical conditions not be possible or become possible? Know that with hypnobirthing you have prepared for childbirth in any situation, circ*mstance and place. You can do it, anyway.

Birth partner and child in bath

Your birth partner, child or children can also easily be present in the bath or around the bath. Below are a few pictures for inspiration.

Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (4)
Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (5)

Where in Utrecht can you give birth in the bath?

A bath birth in the Utrecht region is possible in the following places:

  • At home
  • Birth centre Utrecht / St. Antonius (Leidsche Rijn): there are two delivery suites with a special delivery bath.
  • Geboortehuis (Utrecht Oost near the Diakonessenhuis): two professional birth baths for a water birth present in the birth house, bath births are also possible in the maternity suites.
  • Baring pools are now also available at the WKZ on the Uithof. There is also a bathtub available for catching the contractions, but you can’t give birth in that.

There are more and more locations where you are allowed to take your own birth pool. Are you from another region? There must be opportunities there too.

Where do you rent or buy a childbirth pool?

  • Would you like to rent an inflatable recommended bath? Remember that you often have to buy a loose cover for hygiene. They often cost a few tens. The price for the rental of the bath itself is soon 100-200 euros.
  • You can also buy. Look on the internet! Prices start at about 200 euros. Of course, you can also search marketplace for a second-hand birth bath. This is a cheaper and more sustainable alternative.
  • Several midwifery practices in the Utrecht region have a recommended bath for rental. Often these obstetric practices also have experience in guiding a water delivery, so convenient.
  • Through specialized landlords such as childbirth baths or Oerbron.

Additions or tips on this guide for a bath birth in Utrecht? Contact me!

Water birth in the Netherlands - Natural Waves (2024)


Is water birth a natural birth? ›

And when it comes to how exactly you'll labor and deliver your little one, you may be thinking about a water birth. Water births are becoming increasingly popular among women who want to try for a natural birth or use very little pain medication during the birthing process.

What is the theory behind the water birth? ›

The theory behind water birth is that since the baby has already been in amniotic fluid for nine months, giving birth in a similar environment is gentler for the baby and less stressful for the mother. The use of warm water during labour is not approved.

Where did water births originate from? ›

The earliest documented account of a water birth was described in a French medical journal in 1805: after many hours of laboring, a woman was ordered into the bath by her doctor, for relaxation purposes. Shortly afterward, she gave birth into the water. The doctor noted that the baby survived.

Is there scientific evidence for water births? ›

There is strong evidence that waterbirth is associated with a lower episiotomy rate, and that planning a waterbirth leads to higher rates of having an intact perineum. People who have waterbirths are less likely to need pain medicine for pain relief compared with people who give birth on land.

Do water births hurt less? ›

A positive birth experience: Women who have labored or given birth in water say they had less pain and a greater sense of control. Less pain medication: Some studies show that women who labor in water need less pain medication and may have a shorter first stage of labor.

How painful is a natural water birth? ›

It's important to note: labor pains are still present during the water birth process, but the environment is likely more relaxing and pleasurable. Some women find that being able to feel the process of birth with a manageable level of pain makes them feel more connected to the birth of their baby.

What are the disadvantages of a water birth? ›

What are the potential risks? Although rare, risks include:
  • Birthing parent or baby could get an infection from bacteria in the tub.
  • The umbilical cord could detach.
  • Baby's body temperature could be too high or too low.
  • Baby could swallow bath water.
  • The birthing parent could have increased bleeding after delivery.
Mar 9, 2022

Why can't you have an epidural with a water birth? ›

It's not possible to have an epidural in water. TENS is electrical stimulation so it's also incompatible with water births. As for what you can use in water, you can breathe a bit sigh of relief that entonox (gas and air) is fine for water births.

Are water births high risk? ›

Are there other risks? Waterbirth is extremely safe and evidence from numerous studies have confirmed the many advantages of giving birth in water, for both mothers and babies. However, there have been very rare documented cases of drowning, rupture of the umbilical cord, respiratory problems and waterborne infection.

Why do hospitals not allow water births? ›

Pediatricians are most concerned with the potential risk of aspiration, hypothermia, and infection when babies are born in water.

Are water births hygienic? ›

Are there any risks of infection? There is no statistical evidence that there is any more risk of an infection to both you and your baby with a water birth. Hospitals are meticulous when cleaning pools after every water birth and do regular checks to ensure that the pool is left hygienic after use.

How do babies breathe during water birth? ›

When you are close to birthing your baby in the water you will need to keep aware of ensuring your bottom half remains submerged. Babies have lived in fluid for 9 months and therefore have not needed their oxygen from the air as we do, instead they receive this through their umbilical cord.

What is the least painful way to give birth? ›

Epidural anaesthesia. Epidural injections are the most effective pain relief available. They are used for vagin*l births and also for caesarean sections, because they allow the mother to stay awake and alert during the baby's birth.

Are water births better for babies? ›

Studies show water birth during stage one doesn't improve your or your baby's medical outcome. A warm bath might help you relax and help you feel more in control. Floating in water helps you move around more easily than in bed, too. Some science suggests that the water may lower chances of severe vagin*l tearing.

How common are water births in the US? ›

Waterbirth was less common in women over the age of 40 (8.6%, adjOR 0.60 (0.48,0.74)) and in younger women, with only 10.4% of those age 18–24 recorded as having a waterbirth (adjOR 0.76 (0.70, 0.82)) (Table 1).

What are the negatives of a water birth? ›

Water Birth Risks
  • You or your baby could get an infection.
  • The umbilical cord could snap before your baby comes out of the water.
  • Your baby's body temperature could be too high or too low.
  • Your baby could breathe in bath water.
  • Your baby could have seizures or not be able to breathe.
Sep 11, 2022

How long can a baby survive after the water breaks? ›

In cases where your baby would be premature, they may survive just fine for weeks with proper monitoring and treatment, usually in a hospital setting. In cases where your baby is at least 37 weeks, current research suggests that it may be safe to wait 48 hours (and sometimes longer) for labor to start on its own.

What are the pros and cons of waterbirth? ›

Water Birth Pros and Cons: Is It Safe?
Pros of Water BirthCons of Water Birth
Lessens the severity of tearingTears to the umbilical cord can occur in rare cases
Might shorten the duration of laborCould be a risk for drowning
2 more rows
Sep 26, 2023


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