Best Gender Reveal Ideas - A Roundup (2024)

Updated on July 9th, 2021 // by Katie Griffin

One of the most fun and fairly new trends to arrive on the pregnancy scene is gender reveals.Whether it’s an entire party with a reveal at the end or an adorable picture made to spread the exciting news, there are so many creative and exciting ways to announce your baby’s gender.We have rounded up some of the sweetest, most fun, and unique gender reveal ideas to help spark your creativity!

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Table of contents

  • Gender Reveal Ideas – Personalize the Photo Op
  • Gender Reveal Ideas – Give it a Theme
    • Some Silly and Fun Gender Reveal Themes
    • Some Pretty and Elegant Gender Reveal Themes
  • Gender Reveal Ideas – Party Games and Activities
    • Make Teams
    • Stick With Your Theme
  • Gender Reveal Ideas – The Big Announcement
    • Our top 4 reveals are:
    • #4: Cake
    • #3: Ball with Powder
    • #2: Balloons, Pinata, Confetti
    • #1: Gender Reveal Powder Cannons.
  • The Perfect Gender Reveal

Gender Reveal Ideas – Personalize the Photo Op

The most memorable gender reveal photos are ones that have personal meaning behind them.For example…

  • A family of Carolina Panther fans may all be wearing Panther jerseys and holding up a little pink jersey with an inscription on the photo saying “Little Lady MVP Due September 2019.”
  • Or parents-to-be who love board games can have a sonogram picture with “It’s a boy” written with Scrabble tiles.
  • A family of beach bums can do a shot of all their feet in the sand with “It’s a boy/girl” written in the sand.
  • Fur kids can also be part of the fun.Photos of your pets with pink or blue balloons, eating a treat with blue or pink frosting on their cute muzzles or even wearing blue or pink bow ties can be super adorable.

The more the pictures relate to the expecting family the better.

Best Gender Reveal Ideas - A Roundup (1)

Gender Reveal Ideas – Give it a Theme

Gender reveal parties are so much fun! When planning, it’s best to pick a theme that suits the family.Are the parent/s to-be more likely to enjoy something silly and fun?Or would they like something more pretty and elegant?

Some Silly and Fun Gender Reveal Themes

  • “Touchdowns or Tutus”
  • “Witch or Warlock”
  • “Stashes or Lashes”
  • “Mermaid or Fisherman”
  • “Beau or Bow”

Some Pretty and Elegant Gender Reveal Themes

  • “Twinkle Little Star How We Wonder What You Are”
  • “Pink or Blue, Either Way We Love You”
  • “Prince or Princess”
  • “What Will Baby Bee”
Best Gender Reveal Ideas - A Roundup (2)

Gender Reveal Ideas – Party Games and Activities

There are myriads of great games and activities for guests to participate in during a gender reveal party.

Make Teams

Its always fun to have friends indicate what “team” they are on.Pins or stickers can be handed out that say whether the guest thinks baby is a boy or girl. Friends and family can even be encouraged to show up wearing a shirt the color of the gender they guess the baby is.

If the crowd is a competitive, it can be a riot to play a few “minute to win it” type games pitting the “Team Boy” guests against “Team Girl” guests.

Stick With Your Theme

All snacks and decorations can be based around the theme you have chosen.A “Witches or Warlock” party might include some butterbeer.A “Twinkle Little Star” party may have beautiful stars and constellation decorations.It can really be as elaborate as you’d like or as simple as you please.

Best Gender Reveal Ideas - A Roundup (3)

Gender Reveal Ideas – The Big Announcement

The moment you have all been waiting for!What is this sweet baby?A little girl or a little boy?For the big reveal, it’s smart to make sure you have a good camera ready to catch the amazing moment.

Our top 4 reveals are:

#4: Cake

The traditional filling of the cake can be the color of the gender.Even though this isn’t a new idea, it is still a crowd favorite and has a fun factor to it that doesn’t get old.There are some amazing gender cake and cupcake ideas out there that you can put your own unique spin on.

#3: Ball with Powder

Sport loving families might love the idea of either hitting a baseball (or kicking a football) with blue or pink powder inside that reveals the gender.

#2: Balloons, Pinata, Confetti

Another well-loved idea is the box of balloons you open where pink or blue balloons and confetti come out.A newer play on this idea is a pull pinata.These pinatas can be found on Amazon or can be homemade. Also, large 36″ balloons filled with confetti can be used in place of a pinata and popped for the big reveal.

#1: Gender Reveal Powder Cannons.

Powder cannons are our top pick for gender reveals because these are bright, fun, and look great on camera.It’s an added bonus if the parent/s are wearing white.This can be something just the parents do or you can include the whole crowd.A variation of this is paint bottles or squirt guns filled with blue or pink paint.You can also use silly string. This is an especially fun way for siblings to get in on the reveal of their new baby brother or sister.

Best Gender Reveal Ideas - A Roundup (4)

The Perfect Gender Reveal

No matter your interests or preferences, there’s a perfect gender reveal idea waiting just for you!Pick what fits your personality and style and simply sprinkle a little baby-dust magic on it.Gender reveals are a fun way to show your love and excitement to welcome your baby-to-be, as well as an engaging way to involve your family and friends in the joy. Happy gender reveal planning to you!

Kopa Birth’sonline childbirth classesallow you to prepare for a natural childbirth from the comfort of your own home, 24/7. Enroll today in ourfree online childbirth classto learn more about preparing for a natural hospital birth.

Photo Credits:

  1. Scrabble Gender Reveal
  2. Beach Gender Reveal
  3. Twinkle Little Star Gender Reveal Theme
  4. Bumble Bee Gender Reveal Theme
  5. Gender Reveal Cakes
  6. Minute to Win It Gender Reveal Games
  7. Blue or Pink Gender Reveal Theme
  8. Gender Reveal Game Ideas
  9. Gender Reveal Cakes
  10. Baseball With Colored Powder Gender Reveal Announcement
  11. Pull String Pinata Gender Reveal Announcement

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  • When Can You Find Out The Gender Of Your Baby?


Best Gender Reveal Ideas - A Roundup (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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