10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (2024)

In this post you will learn about a variety of sensory activities for autistic adults to help enhance their everyday life.

As an autistic adult, finding ways to cope with sensory processing difficulties can be very challenging. However, sensory activities can be a godsend for managing these challenges and improving daily lives.

Sensory activities for autistic adults can range from simple to complex, which can all fundamentally improve a person’s functional life skills.

Let me share with you ten exciting sensory activities for autistic adults to help enhance their day-to-day lives. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or stimulation, these activities are a great way to engage the senses and have fun.

What Are Sensory Activities And Why They’re Worth It

Sensory activities are those that involve the use of the five senses – sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound – to create a stimulating environment. Autistic adults who perform sensory activities experience a calming effect that reduces anxiety and helps them focus on tasks.

Studies conducted by the University of California found that sensory integration therapy reduced anxiety and depression in autistic adults by also improving social skills and communication abilities.

Researchers from the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders also found that deep-pressure touch stimulation had a calming effect on autistic adults, reducing their anxiety.

Sensory activities also improve communication skills by encouraging the use of language to express emotions and sensations. For example, using sensory bins filled with various textures can encourage autistic adults to describe how the materials feel, helping them develop their descriptive vocabulary.

Sensory activities that involve music or sound can also help autistic adults learn to express themselves through music, rhythm, and tone.

Tips for Choosing the Best Sensory Activitiesfor Autistic Adults

When choosing sensory activities for autistic adults, you must consider their individual preferences and support their sensory needs. For instance, some individuals may enjoy movements like dancing or yoga, while others may prefer tactile stimulation, like playing with playdough.

You will also need to ensure that the activities are safe and they don’t cause any sensory overload or discomfort. For example, loud noises or bright lights may be overwhelming for some individuals, so it’s best to avoid activities that involve these sensory stimuli.

By providing a variety of sensory activities that match an individual’s preferences and needs, you will create a therapeutic environment that promotes relaxation, communication, and social interaction for your loved one.

10 Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults

Whether you’re looking to help your autistic adult relax or engage in a more active sensory experience, the following activities offer a wide range of options. I’ve also provided suggestions on how to modify each activity to meet different sensory needs, so you can get them up and running in no time.

1. Kinetic Sand Play

Kinetic sand is a tactile sensory experience that can help soothe individuals with processing difficulties. The kinetic sand can be molded into shapes and designs, which helps with fine motor skill tuning.

To make the experience more enjoyable, you can incorporate small objects like shells or miniature toys to hide and find.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (2)

2. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a sensory activity that involves using essential oils to create a calming atmosphere. The oils can be used in diffusers, applied to the skin, or added to a bath. Lavender is a popular choice for relaxation, while peppermint can help with focus and energy.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (3)

3. Music Therapy

Music therapy can be a helpful sensory activity for individuals who enjoy sound. Consider playing different types of music, from calming instrumental pieces to upbeat tunes for dance parties. Encourage your autistic friend to sing along or play instruments if they are interested.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (4)

4. Yoga

Yoga is a fantastic sensory activity that incorporates breathing and movement to promote relaxation and body awareness. Yoga can also go a long way in aiding balance and coordination.

There are many online resources and videos that can guide individuals through yoga sequences designed specifically for people with sensory processing difficulties.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (5)

5. Sensory Bins

Sensory bins can be customized to an individual’s sensory needs, incorporating different textures, scents, and objects. Fill a container with materials like rice, beans, or water beads, and add small toys or objects to find and manipulate.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (6)

6. Art Therapy

Art therapy is an incredibly effective sensory activity for individuals who enjoy creative expression. Consider offering different types of art materials like paint, clay, or markers. Encourage your loved one to experiment with colors, textures, and techniques.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (7)

7. Cooking

Cooking is a great sensory activity that can help with practical skills like following directions and measuring ingredients. Try mixing up different textures and smells by using herbs, spices, and different types of food. Make sure to choose a recipe that matches their skill level and interests.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (8)

8. Exercise

Exercise is a sensory activity that can be a lifesaver for individuals with sensory processing difficulties, as it can help them feel more grounded and aware of their bodies. Consider activities like walking, biking, or swimming.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (9)

9. Sensory Bottles and Lights

Sensory bottles and lights can be a calming sensory activity that promotes visual stimulation. Fill a clear plastic bottle with water, glitter, and small objects like beads or sequins. Then, encourage your loved one to shake the bottle and watch the objects move around.

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (10)

10. Gardening

Gardening is a great sensory activity that incorporates tactile experiences like digging in the dirt, planting seeds, and watering plants. Gardening can also help with practical life skills like responsibility and patience.

Remember to choose activities that match your loved one’s preferences and interests to ensure they are engaged and motivated to participate. If you need help with that, check out my Teen Sensory Processing Guide Ebook for more support and ideas.

Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults

Sensory activities can have a profound impact on the lives of autistic adults, helping them develop vital skills and manage their sensory needs.

By engaging in sensory activities, they can improve their mental health, communication skills, and social skills. Incorporating sensory activities into daily routines is a great way to improve overall well-being and quality of life.

Make sure to utilize the resources provided above for guidance on effectively implementing these activities and starting your journey today!

10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (12)


10 Exciting Sensory Activities for Autistic Adults (2024)


What are some visual stimulation activities for adults? ›

Gently animated lights, kaleidoscopes, colorful paintings, nature movies, fiber optic Christmas trees, a glorious sunset: all examples of visual stimulation.

What soothes an autistic adult? ›

Many different types of sensory activities can be particularly calming for individuals with autism. Some of these include deep pressure, tactile, and visual stimulation activities. Deep pressure activities involve applying pressure to the body, which can have a calming and grounding effect.

How can I help my autistic adult with sensory overload? ›

Accommodations for sensory issues
  1. Using light covers, sunglasses or a hat under fluorescent lights.
  2. Wearing ear plugs or headphones in noisy environments.
  3. Working in spaces with a closed door or high walls.
  4. Avoiding strongly scented products.
  5. Choosing foods that avoid aversions to textures, temperatures or spices.

What are the best activities for autistic people? ›

Individual sporting activities such as Track, Skiing, Hiking, Golf, Cycling, or Cross-Country allow individuals with autism to participate in recreation without social interactions that might cause stress.

What is the most autistic hobby? ›

Many autistic people have intense and highly-focused interests, often from a fairly young age. These can change over time or be lifelong. It can be art, music, gardening, animals, postcodes or numbers. For many younger children it's Thomas the Tank Engine, dinosaurs or particular cartoon characters.

What activity stimulates the brain the most? ›

Let's take a deeper dive into 13 evidence-based exercises that offer the best brain-boosting benefits.
  1. Have fun with a jigsaw puzzle. ...
  2. Try your hand at cards. ...
  3. Build your vocabulary. ...
  4. Dance your heart out. ...
  5. Use all your senses. ...
  6. Learn a new skill. ...
  7. Teach a new skill to someone else. ...
  8. Listen to or play music.
Aug 7, 2019

What are some mentally stimulating activities? ›

play mind-stretching games, like bingo, bridge, chess or computer games. stay socially active – join a local choir or gardening club. take up a new interest – learn to knit or embroider, even gardening is good for the brain. start a course, day or evening class.

What is adult sensory play? ›

Sensory Stimulation Activities for Adults:

Interacting with reminiscent objects that the resident doesn't usually have access to. Giving a gentle hand massage. Taking a short walk outdoors to provide a change of scenery. Talking or reading aloud to the resident. Organizing pets to come for visits.

What makes autistic adults happy? ›

Many successful autistic individuals consider themselves to be very happy with many reporting their happiness increased once they stopped comparing themselves to others, cultivated a more suitable environment around them and began to feel 'comfortable in their own skin.

What upsets autistic adults? ›

People with autism may have difficulty processing sensory information, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm or discomfort in certain environments. For example, loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells can be overwhelming for some individuals with autism.

What games are good for autistic adults? ›

Games such as Minecraft, Cities: Skylines, Kerbal Space Program, Stardew Valley, etc… are excellent examples of games that have the correct mechanics to help you engage with those that have autism.

What is chinning in autism? ›

• Another behavior with dental consequences is chinning. This refers to the tendency of the autistic patient to press the chin into an object or another person's leg to apply pressure to the mandible or temporomandibular joint.

What is an autistic passport? ›

A virtual online passport to enhance awareness and safeguarding of individuals with autism, by integrating records into NICHE (a record management system). 12 September 2023.

How do you stimulate someone with autism? ›

10 sensory activities for children with ASD
  1. Finger painting and footprint painting. Things might get messy, but don't let that put you off as this a great way for kids to express themselves. ...
  2. Make your own slime. ...
  3. Scented playdough. ...
  4. Mud kitchen. ...
  5. Make your own musical instruments.

How do you engage with an autistic adult? ›

Get their attention

Start by addressing them by name, then watch for signs that they are engaged and focused. These signs may vary between autistic adults. One way to encourage attention is to be willing to discuss their hobbies and special interests and to listen to them talking about their preferred topics.

How do you make an autistic adult happy? ›

Always strive to be encouraging and compassionate. Learn about their favorite interests, games or hobbies and try to find common ones. Be aware of the tendency by autistic people to speak at length about their favorite topics which may require some gentle prompting or redirection.

What are social skills activities for adults with autism? ›

Social skills groups for adults with autism should:
  • Offer structure.
  • Help individuals break down social concepts into more concrete actions.
  • Simplify language based on appropriate language levels.
  • Encourage partnerships within pairs or groups.
  • Focus on self-esteem and self-awareness activities.

What games do autistic adults like? ›

Games such as Minecraft, Cities: Skylines, Kerbal Space Program, Stardew Valley, etc… are excellent examples of games that have the correct mechanics to help you engage with those that have autism.


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